Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Toby's First Trip! Three Months Home Today!

As we get ready to leave we would ask you to pray for these few requests: 1. That Toby doesn't get a cold or sick before we leave for Michigan or while we are there. 2. That preparations would go well, we have a lot to pack in order to leave. 3. The trip would go smoothly and that Toby would tolerate it well. He hasn't ever traveled more than 20 minutes anywhere, so this will be a huge distance. Plus, I heard the construction on I-75 getting into Michigan is a bear, so hopefully the trip will take the least amount of time as possible.
We are so excited to take a trip to see all of my extended family and friends. On Sunday, July 1st at 10:00 a.m. I will be giving a testimony, singing, and showing a slide show of Toby to the church I grew up in. It's at Bible Baptist Church in Birch Run, Michigan. I am excited and nervous, praying that God will speak through me and receive all the glory for His faithfulness in our journey with Toby.
Friday we go to see a Gastroenterologist to check on his belly with the issue he was having with gas in his intestines, and also to establish a relationship should we need to see this type of doctor in the future. His belly has been doing very well with the new formula. Toby's g-tube site and NOW his trach site has granulation tissue around it, and has been bleeding, so we are fervently praying for this to resolve also. We will see the ENT Nurse Practitioner on Friday also to see if we need to burn off some of the scar tissue with silver nitrate. This makes me very nervous since it can also burn the surrounding skin, especially with all of the secretions that come out around his site.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Friday, June 8, 2007

Feeding Pump Trouble Shooting

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Results and Feeding Pump Problems Solves

Toby's CT scan came back normal today, and his fontanels have been feeling better. Our neurosurgeon wants to see us back in one month; so we will keep an eye on him.
Toby's feeding pump worked like it should have last night! :) I had contacted the company that makes them by e-mail over the weekend, and one or their employees in research and development actually called me yesterday to talk through some of the issues because they had never heard of this happening. We changed a few things, and it's working better!! :) Toby also seems to be doing well on the new formula, so we're thankful for that also. Have a great day!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Daily Updates

Saturday, June 2, 2007

Feeding Pump Issues and Cathing

His urinary volumes have been higher too, so we are cathing him more often. This is disappointing, but in order to prevent infection, we need to do this. All in all it's been a pretty good week. We will see our neurosurgeon again next Wednesday. Toby's fontanels are feeling fairly soft again, so I'm just praying that if the shunt is malfunctioning we would see a significant change on the CT scan this week. Thank you for continuing to pray.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

CT Scan Results

We also saw the neurosurgeon. His CT scan looked great, but he still wants to keep an eye on Toby's head. Sometimes a shunt can be malfunctioning and it won't show up on a CT scan. His fontanals (or soft spot on the top of his head) were bulging for 12 days. He also seems to have a pocket of fluid above his myelo site on his back. (The myelo site is where his spinal column was splayed open, which they closed the day he was born.) About 2 days ago, Toby had some major dirty diapers - like 4 in twenty minutes, and since then his fontanels have been soft and more sunken...so there is something to the idea that when his bowels are full of air they can't absorb the fluid from the shunt tubing (which ends in his bowels and is where the fluid drains from his head). The doctor also mentioned that a viral infection or urinary track infection can display symptoms like a shunt failure, but actually not be the shunt. He doesn't have a UTI, but could have a viral infection because he's been running a slightly elevated temperature and had lots of dirty diapers. Bottom line, The doctor wants to stay on top of things, and we will see him again next Wednesday for a CT scan and to be checked. He still is acting great, and like I said today his fontanels felt great; nice and soft and sunken in.