Showing posts with label PICU. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PICU. Show all posts

Monday, February 5, 2007

Rough Night

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Back in the PICU

Bruce and I just want to thank so many of you - family, friends, co-workers, and complete strangers for praying for us and for Toby. Thank you for signing our guestbook also - It is so encouraging to us to read your thoughts and entries. We will continue to keep everyone udpated. - Carrie

Monday, January 22, 2007

Oxygen Dropping and Apnea

Toby's MRI is scheduled for 8pm tonight. Just pray for him as he is going to be put completely under and have a breathing tube put in for the procedure. Pray also for the doctors as they look at the results that they might have wisdom about the next step.
Last night, after Toby's oxygen dropped a few times, the doctors decided to put him back on C-PAP. He is also still on a bit of oxygen. While on the phone with Carrie she had to remind Toby to breathe a few times. His respirations would drop to 2 or even 0 breaths a minute. She would stroke his arm and get him to breathe again.
The warming lights are off and so far he is maintaining his body temperature. Pray that that continues. His sodium also continues to stay up. The doctors are anxious to find out why his sodium levels were down in the first place. Hopefully the MRI will be able to tell them a lot!
God is truly giving them supernatural strength right now, but at the same time I know it looks like a tunnel with no end. Please pray for continued encouragement and strength as they trust God through this journey!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Moving to the PICU

The ICU doctor came and when he saw Toby said they needed to be moved to the ICU. Since going down there Toby's breathing became worse and he was having a lot of apnea episodes. He was put on C-PAP (which provides a constant flow of air into his nose to support his breathing). Since being put on C-PAP, he has perked up a bit and is sucking on his pacifier again.
The doctors have been doing a lot of tests on his blood and have found out that his sodium levels are low. They will start him on a saline solution. Toby will also have a PICC line put in for precautionary antibiotics. An EEG will probably be done to make sure there is no seizure activity going on that they don't know about.
This is all I know at this point. I hope to finish my conversation with Carrie when she gets a moment and then I will update the webpage again. Thank you so much for praying! It means a lot to them!