Showing posts with label alarms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alarms. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2007

Toby's First Virus at Home

Toby has had several desaturations in his oxygen level, and so we're suspecting some cold/infection. The doctor has put him on some antibiotics. We're doing all we can with medication and other methods to get the junk out of his lungs. It seems to be working. It's been a very busy first day with the boys here and Toby being ill. One time Toby's alarm went off and Conor said, "It's okay, mom the nurse will get it...!" Bruce's mom is here and has helped out so much - I really needed her today. The last few days have been rough. I'm not getting a lot of sleep at all. The night nurse came once, and it's going to take awhile to adjust to having someone in our house at night. She will do Mon./Wed., and we're interviewing another night nurse for Tues/Thursday on Monday evening. I am exhausted. We do NOT want to have to go back to the hospital. Pray Toby gets better quickly.