They tried to take Toby off of the oxygen today, and his oxygen levels dropped down, so he's back on. We're asking the questions about what needs to be done for him to come home. First of all, they want to find out why his sodium and potassium levels have been fluctuating or at least see the levels stay within a normal range. The last few days his potassium was lower than normal, but not enough to alarm doctors, and today it was back in the low end of the normal range. He's on an apnea monitor right now, and they're recording what he does and how he pauses in his breathing. From this they will decide how severe it is, and may even do a sleep study on him. After that they want to get him off of the oxygen and see if his feeding issues resolve. Not all of these things have to completely be "normal" for Toby to go home. He could go home on an apnea monitor, oxygen, and/or a feeding tube, so we wait and see what happens. We're praying all these things become normal, but if not we will be trained on how to take care of him. So we wait and pray.