Showing posts with label fever. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fever. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


We had some friends visit today, and ventured to take Toby from his room to the living room. He liked the swing - fell asleep in it!! We're still adjusting to having him home; things like how often to suction, the temperature of his heater so he doesn't get a lot of condensation in the vent tubing, etc. He has a small fever today, and has been wheezing a bit; We gave hime albuterol to help with this. Please pray that he doesn't have an infection. I don't want to go back to the hospital so quickly. Our night nurse is coming tonight for the first time. We're praying that we work well together with her. She would do 3 nights, and then another nurse we haven't met yet would do 2-3 nights.