Toby's doctor's appointment went pretty well on Friday. His CT scan we don't know much about except that the initial result in the computer said stable. His fontanels still don't feel right, so we will see the neurosurgeon on Wednesday of this week; hopefully we can find out more. His chest x-ray showed improvement in his lung volumes, which is great because the air in his belly has been much better also, which means his lungs have more room to expand! :) We are beginning to transition Toby from breastmilk to a formula called pregestimil (it's already partially digested, and hopefully easier on his belly), so pray that this goes smoothly and doesn't affect his stomach and digestive process too adversely. The boys arrived home safely, and had a wonderful time at Grandma's. They were so noisy tonight, and I wondered if they were extra noisy or if I had just gotten used to the peace and quiet this week! It is good to have them home; they always seem to grow up so much while they are gone.