Showing posts with label home care nursing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label home care nursing. Show all posts

Friday, March 2, 2007

Nurse Interviews

Carrie asked me to write a quick note on here to pray for them as they interview their nurses. The first interview is tonight (Friday) at 8pm and the other one is 1pm tomorrow (Saturday). From experience, this is a hard process. Carrie and Bruce know they need nursing care to help care for Toby, but it is very difficult to have somebody you don't know well in your house for 16 hours every day. These nurses will have an influence, not only on Toby, but also on Conor and Garrett. What a blessing if these nurses believed the same way the Holts do! Pray that Carrie and Bruce will know one way or the other whether these women they are interviewing are right for their family. Once they do find nurses, pray that it is a good fit! They will definitely need continued prayer in this area, not only this weekend, but also in the months to come!