Showing posts with label sleeping. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sleeping. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Sleeping Too Well!

Toby had a good night, slept really well. Actually I guess he slept too well because they were afraid his shunt was malfunctioning so they did an x-ray and then a CT scan this morning. (one sign of shunt malfunction is unable to waken the baby - sleeping too much). Bruce said his fontanels felt soft, but I guess they just wanted to be safe. We will have the results today. Please pray that nothing prolongs our hospital stay.

The CT scan came back normal; his shunt seems to be working just fine. I begin my 24-hour care tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. until Thursday at the same time. The other two boys are doing well, but the next few days will be hard because mommy won't be around. We've had a few childcare changes because of sickness, and God continues to provide friends to take care of Conor & Garrett. Thursday afternoon we will get some more of our equipment. Bruce will do his 24-hour care Friday to Saturday. Pray that we will be well rested Saturday night and Sunday night as we bring him home on Monday.