Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A Family Trip

For the first time ever our family went on a mini-vacation all by ourselves (with no grandparents, aunts, or uncles).  We traveled to Indianapolis and stayed in a hotel two nights.  Our main destination was to go to the Indianpolis Children's Museum (which was just amazing!) and secondary to meet up with some friends.  Conor and Garrett got to swim a lot in the hotel pool, and Toby and Caris did once.  Both Toby and Caris loved the water, and Toby likes to splash, which of course makes me panic just a little fearful of water getting inside his trach and down into his lungs (which would make him sick!). 

After our visit to the museum, we met up with the Potter family at a handicap accessible park in Indy.  Over three years ago, I met Jen through our Spina Bifida yahoo group when our boys were just little (Owen and Toby are about 6 weeks apart in age or so) and we have kept in touch ever since. It was great to meet her entire family, and see Owen and Toby together!  There is an amazing bond between women when you go through similar circumstances and when your kids have similar disabilities - it's truly amazing the true friends we've made across the miles who's kids have Spina Bifida or a trach or a ventilator.  We certainly had a wonderful time...Enjoy the photos!

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of Toby and Owen hugging-and the matching buzz cuts! So cute! :)
