Friday, May 20, 2011

Seizing the Moment

So, Conor had to have oral surgery yesterday.  He had two extra teeth in his mouth that he didn't need.  We found this out after having a consultation/x-ray with the orthodontist a few months ago.  I had to laugh when I called Bruce and said "You won't believe what we just found out!"  He knew exactly - remembering that he also had an extra tooth around that age that needed to surgically removed.  I know oral surgery really isn't a big deal, but it will be his 2nd surgery in 7 (almost 8) years; it's not really anything compared to others or his younger brother Toby (9 surgeries in 4 yeas), but when you expect your healthy kids to be, well...healthy - it's unexpected!!  He had eye surgery when he was 3-years old, his eyes crossed and the glasses weren't really working, so they had to move his inner eye muscles.  It was a really crazy time in our lives - Conor was 3 1/2, Garrett had just turned 2, and Toby was about 8 weeks old and in-patient at Children's (having just gotten his trach, gj-feeding tube, and needing ventilation full time).  I laugh at the irony - we had one child in-patient and one child out-patient at the same time - sort of nuts.  SOOOO...all that to say I didn't take any pictures of  Conor's first surgery.  I think I was just too overwhelmed. I  remember when he came out of surgery - his eyes were bloody.  They weren't just blood-shot - they were bloody and he refused to open his eyes for almost 6 hours.  I finally got him to open his eyes bribing him with a PB&J sandwich.
Surgery this time was much easier, and I resolved to take lots of pictures.  I take pictures of all of Toby's hospital stays, tests, and surgeries, we might as well document this event too.  So, here are some photos of Conor's mouth!! (warning - a little gross).

When I went back to see him afterwards, he was still a bit loopy from being under and had the nurse cracking up with his large vocabulary!!  He was making me laugh too because he wanted to sit up even though he was very unsteady.  Only one dose of pain meds yesterday, and doing so well he went back to school today.  I was surprised by that.  I'm really glad I took the photos - he's growing up way too fast!

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