Tuesday, March 20, 2007

First Night at Home

Toby had a good night, he only woke up once, but mommy and daddy were up quite a bit. We definitely need a night nurse, and (yay!) it looks like we have one for at least 3 nights a week. She is one that we had previously interviewed for nights. Hopefully we can find one for the other 2 or 3 nights that we would want one.
Toby had another good day at home. I have to say it again, but we love our nurse. She is excellent, flexible, and good at what she does. I am so thankful. We are also thankful to all of our dear family and friends that have been there for us, I am overwhelmed to the point of tears when I think of the love, prayers, and support we have received through this journey . The staff person at the patient information desk at Children's Hospital said to me the day we left, that she has never seen a church that has supported a family like our church has (Thanks to God for allowing Him to use you in this way - what a testimony to her and other hospital staff). She was amazed at the congregation we have. Toby was hardly ever alone, someone was always with him (besides a few hours here and there over the entire 2 month stay!) Even his last night we thought that we would need to leave him Sunday night so we could get some rest, and again totally God providing, a lady from our church called Erika and asked if she could spend the night!!! Amazing! Words cannot express how much we have needed our family, friends, and church family, and how thankful we are for all of you. May God bless you in ways we cannot fathom. I continually return to the verse in Psalms that says, "God has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!" We know this journey is just beginning with having a special needs' child, but God is good and will continue to take care of us and give us strength, in good times and in bad. Thank you!

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