Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Getting better

Things are going much better right now. We've had a lot of help, and we're starting to get into a routine, and adjust. Toby still doesn't seem totally like himself, but he seems to be a little bit better. The interview went well today with the lady for the Medicaid Homecare waiver. Thank you for continuing to surround us in prayer. We have our first doctor's appointment on Monday with the neurosurgeon. They'll do a head CT to check the shunt - pretty routine. Pray for us as we attempt to get him out of the house with all of the equipment, and make it to the hospital by 9:00 a.m.! :) It should be exciting to say the least! I am looking forward to it, though. My sister is taking the boys overnight on Friday, and Erika will come to be with Toby, so Bruce and I can go out. We'll also have a nurse Sat. morning, so we can do some errands or just a few things around the house. Looking forward to having "normal" plans this weekend.

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