Saturday, March 17, 2007

Getting ready to Come Home

Toby had his car seat test today. He had to sit in his car seat for one hour to see how he would tolerate it. He did great! (slept most of the time!) Bruce is doing his 24-hour care right now. We received our first shipment of supplies, and Erika and I organized them tonight, figured out what we are missing, etc. It was really good to get that completed. We are still in need of a night nurse; the other one we interviewed hasn't called them back about ventilator training, so we're interviewing another nurse Saturday night at 7:00 p.m.. Please pray that God will give us wisdom with this decision. My parents are coming to take the boys back home with them to Michigan on Sunday. They will just be gone until Thursday to give us a few days to get Toby settled and into a routine of sorts. It's going to be really hard to have them away AGAIN; I'm just ready for our family to be all together, but it's for the best, and Thursday will come very quickly.

Bruce's 24-hour care went well, again not a lot of sleep, but he did great. Conor and I went up to visit Toby today and to see the eye doctor. They're pleased with the results of his surgery, he will still need glasses because he is farsighted. However, he is using both of his eyes to look at things, whereas before he was only using one eye, so this is great! :) We will interview the night nurse here shortly. The boys are leaving for Michigan tomorrow; I'm really going to miss them a lot.

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