Friday, September 21, 2012

When the Unexpected is Expected.

Today Toby had his Myelo clinic appointment.  This is the day when we sit in a room for several hours (about 5 to be exact), and all of the doctors/therapists/specialists come through to discuss all the areas that are affected by Spina Bifida - Urology, Physical Medicine, Developmental Pediatrician, Neurosurgery, Orthopedic Surgery, Neuropsychologist, Occupational and Physical Therapist - not to mention our contact people for the companies that do adjustments on our wheelchairs and braces.

I went in today hopeful - not a lot of things to discuss in most areas.  A few questions about various things.  The biggest issue being Toby's back.  He has been wearing a night-time back bending brace for almost a year because of his severe scoliosis (early onset for kids with SB).  Over the past few months we've had issues with his brace leaving marks on his back - then we have to leave it off for a week or so, and try again.  We've had the brace adjusted once and it helped some.  I have been wondering if his back is getting worse.  About 1 1/2 years ago - the orthopedic surgeon and I had talked about the possibility of Toby needing titanium rods to straighten his back.  It's called VEPTR or vertical expandable prosthetic titanium rib. They attached from the ribs to the pelvic bones on both sides of the spine (out a little ways) and straighten the scoliosis.  They also have to be adjusted for growth - which is a surgery every 6 months until the child stops growing.

So, we saw most of the specialists today - got some more information about how Toby would need to have a motility study done before the MACE and Mitrofanoff surgery.  That was good to know, something we can talk to GI about.
Down to radiology for a back x-ray
Discussions with the nurse
Neuropsychologist stopped in
Adjustments to Toby's wheelchair
Developmental pediatrician

I went in to the day hopeful that his back had stayed the same - maybe it was just my imagination.  Maybe he's outgrown the brace and needs a new one.   Then orthopedic surgery comes in.  I saw it on his face -

Toby's back has a 55 degree curve - lying's probably 80 or more sitting up. I remember Dr. K telling me before that once the scoliosis hits 50 degrees it starts to do permanent damage to the spine.  He needs surgery - soon...October.

More questions

They want to do the surgery in October - trying to avoid major respiratory illness season.  Switching around other patients already on the surgery schedule.  It looks like the schedule is open the end of October - after the Columbus Marathon/Half-Marathon (sigh of relief).  At least Toby can be out there inspiring others in his Miracle Mile - Mile 7!

Have lots to do - clear the surgery with pulmonary, move up his MRI under GA of his brain and his spine to check cord tethering.  It's possible he needs it detethered before the rods are put in...can't stretch the spine out and still have it tethered down low - can cause problems.  Lots to consider.  Lots to pray about.

I knew it was coming - sort of expected it, but still held on to that hope that it was a year away.  I wonder if I knew it instinctively, which is why I put off scheduling the urology surgery.  It's still hard to hear the words when they actually come out of the mouth of the doctor...even when you are expecting the unexpected.  Grief hits hard - harder than I realize.  This is tough.  I don't like how the grief paralyzes me, don't feel like cooking dinner, playing with the kids, rotating seasonal clothing (I found those swim trunks and tank tops and realized the weather isn't going to get warm again - really should clean that stuff out).  Instead I want to cry, but need to hold it together.  We knew this was coming - just didn't expect it - the unexpected, yet it's expected (ironic).  I know God knew it was coming - it's no surprise to HIM.  I'm glad, glad He encompasses all time and knows the outcome in October. That He is with us every step of the way...but for now I'm going to go cry a little and grieve.  I have learned to do this, to adjust to the new normal.  Grief helps, but it's also hard.  I'll try to post more details later - especially as we begin to understand all the details.  Thanks for listening.


  1. Girl....I'm so sorry for this huge blow. Praying for you guys. Hugs and love!

  2. Sending you some extra love today! :)

  3. Sending you huge hugs and even bigger prayers. Let the tears flow knowing that it is totally normal and that when the tears are done coming-and they will be-rest in the knowledge that our God has you and your precious Toby right in the palm of his hand, right where He wants you both for now. Love to you.

  4. I love you Carrie! I know God is in control as you do, and I'm praying He wraps you in His arms and you feel peace! This is the verse that has spoke to me today and it's so true. "Being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." It's true for Toby as well as you! Praying right now for you sis!

  5. love and prayers! if only email included hugs and a box of tissues and a cup of coffee and a quiet place for two friends to cry and talk together. God sees you and your tears. he knows your heart and your questions. and he's holding you every step of the way as you make decisions and try to move forward. you are an amazing woman - full of strength and insight and grace... perfectly fitted for the journey you're on. i'm praying jeremiah 33:3 over you and your family.

  6. I feel so strongly for you and Toby even having never met you and you probably don't know me. Our blog is and our son Hayden has SB L5-S1 but had sever hydro and most of his issues are attributed to his brain and no cerebellum and various spinal issues. On a happy note...I believe we are going to name our baby #3 coming in January Garrett. I haven't ever known anyone else with that name. Back to your post....This news really sucks! I have been sad and lamenting the fact that my son is in a wheelchair and has so many challenges in his life that even kids with his same SB don't have. Some days I cry for him and get a little pissed off especially when my preggo body can't do for him all that he would like me to do for him. My son also has scoliosis that they are monitoring and we have had that same discussions that you have with your docs. I know it and I dread the day that you just described. How do you put your life on hold and your 5 yr old while he has this surgery and manage your life and all your other kids. I don't know but God does. I totally understand your "new normal" thought process. May this trial turn into a blessing in Toby's life and result in a joyful journey. I'll be following.

  7. Joshua 1:1-7 - God has blessed you with strength and courage. He will not leave you nor forsake you. I pray that you'd really feel His arms around you in the coming weeks. Praying for you as always. Keep me posted as to how I can help.

  8. Hugs, kisses, prayers.....nothing more to do or say. I can't even begin to understand how you must feel. I admire your unfailing strength and self-awareness during these times....amazing.
