Tuesday, January 23, 2007

No Tubes!

(This is Carrie updating)
Right now they are trying to let Toby breathe just room air. He doesn't have any tubes in - no extra oxygen helping him breathe. Please pray, pray, pray, that he will tolerate this well and not be put back on anything that will help him breathe.

Toby did pretty well on room air, and every once in awhile he would need just a whiff of oxygen to bring his O2 levels back up, so they put the nasal canula back in (oxygen tube) and he's on about 1 liter of flow, which isn't much. He's doing really well, and we're pleased with his progress. Boy, is he a fighter. Before they took the C-PAP off, he was trying to use both of his hands (one has IV's in it) to pull the C-PAP tubes off of his face. He was quite angry about it. He definitely seems to be more like his old self. :)
Bruce's grandmother did pass away early this morning. The Holt and Morgan families appreciate your prayers. She knew Jesus as her Lord and Savior, and He has welcomed her into heaven.


  1. By Adrienne Rose — Jan 24, 2007 10:17am
    My husband and I continue to pray for Toby and your family every night. The teachers at Mom's Day Out are also praying for all of you.

  2. By Kristi Underwood — Jan 24, 2007 10:27am
    Hi there! Praise God for Toby's improvement! I was so happy to read the journal and see that Toby was doing better and putting up a fight. :) Toby and your family are continually on my heart and in my prayers.
