Saturday, January 6, 2007

Little Sleep


  1. By Bev Maddox — Jan 6, 2007 12:19am
    Bruce, Carrie and my three sons,

    I wonder if that is what God calls them? I know He calls them precious as He loves them all. I think so much of you Carrie. You are a blessing to all that know and love you. I want to help your family in some way, anyway. Please call or e-mail me.

    Bev Maddox

  2. By Bonnie Dowell — Jan 7, 2007 12:45am
    Dear Carrie and Bruce, You sound wonderful, peaceful and competent. I am praying for the mind of Christ and wisdom for you , as you raise your little one. The Word says if any man lacks wisdom let him inquire of the Lord. We stand with you as you seek His wisdom in caring for Toby. Also as Aaron and Hur held up Moses' arms when he became weary , so we hold up yours. As Moses' hands were raised, the Israelites won the battle, and so shall you. May your sleep be blessed so that one hour feels like many more! Love, Bonnie

  3. By Brooke Dato — Jan 7, 2007 3:39pm
    Welcome to the world, Toby!! We're so happy you made it safely through surgery and are recovering well now at home. Can't wait to see you... we're praying for you and your mommy & daddy. Love, The Datos

  4. By Sonya Judkins — Jan 6, 2007 6:16am
    This morning I was thinking about how God has called us to be mothers. He has entrusted these precious little ones to our care. But in the midst of all the busyness of taking care of their needs, we need to remember who our "boss" is...who we are serving. "Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will recive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving."(Col 3:23-24) All of our sacrifice and giving of ourselves is really to serve a God who has sacrificed everything for us. "For when I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you come to visit me...I tell you the truth, whatever you did for the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25:34-36,40) I love you Carrie and am praying that as you serve Christ today He will empower you strength and peace

  5. By Jen Ringer — Jan 6, 2007 2:42pm
    Dear Carrie and Bruce, just wanted to send a not to let you know we are thinking and praying for you and Toby. What a precious boy he is! May God give you grace in this time and may you feel the prayers of your friends and family wraping around your hearts. The verse that comes to mind is where God tells us he can do EXCEEDINGLY ABOVE ALL THAT WE ASK OR THINK. I also think of Mary and how bringing Jesus into this world was not an easy task. Being pregnant out of marriage and them traveling 100 miles on the back of a donkey to give birth! I know God will bless you as you seek to raise your boys to follow him. If there is anything you need that we can provide let us know. God's blessings- The Ringer

  6. By Cheryl Swords — Jan 8, 2007 2:57pm
    Welcome, Toby! Your arrival has been greatly anticipated and prayed for by many. Your Mom and Dad are friends of ours and are such a blessing. I know that they are glad to have you home and look forward to helping you to grow into all that God desires you to be. I am sure that Garrett and Connor are excited to get to know you as well. Please have your parents call me if they are in need of a break. I would feel privileged to be able to hold you for a while so that they could rest.
    God bless you, dear Toby.
    Cheryl, Amber, and Allan Swords

  7. By Diana Lang — Jan 8, 2007 6:59pm
    Carrie, Bruce & Boys:
    Congratulations on the birth of your beautiful Toby. He is such a precious little boy. We are so happy for all of you. We pray that God will sustain you through the challenges of adjusting to a new baby and will bless you with the happiness and love that Toby will bring to your family. Keep us updated.
    With love,
    Scott, Diana, Nathan & Zoe Lang

  8. By Ted Williams — Jan 9, 2007 9:36am
    Bruce and Carrie--I'm so thankful that little Toby is here, and am praying for each of you as you make these many transitions, from NICUs to surgeries to home caring for you little one.
    Numbers 6:24-26 "The Lord bless you and keep you. The Lord make His face to shine upon you and be gracious to you. The Lord turn His face toward you and give you peace."

  9. By Karyn Seaton — Jan 9, 2007 11:39am
    Welcome Toby! Bruce & Carrie, my husband, Dean and I are praying for you. God has blessed you with such a miracle and we continue to pray for healing, strength and wisdom in these precious moments of everyday. May you continue to be steadfast in His Will for the future.

    Dean and Karyn Seaton (aka Karyn Pierce)
